Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is an adorable hybrid of two beloved breeds. Also known as the Golden Shih Tzu or Gold-Tzu, this mixed breed is a popular choice for families looking for a friendly and affectionate companion. Combining the outgoing and loyal nature of the Golden Retriever with the playful and spunky personality of the Shih Tzu, these dogs are sure to capture your heart.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at this unique breed and what you can expect from owning one.

Breed History

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is a relatively new hybrid breed that is believed to have originated in the United States. While there isn’t much information available on the specific history of this mix, we can look at the origins of its parent breeds to understand more about where it came from.

Golden Retriever Origins

The Golden Retriever was first developed in Scotland during the mid-19th century. They were bred as hunting dogs, specifically for retrieving waterfowl. The breed was created by crossing several different breeds, including the Tweed Water Spaniel, Irish Setter, and Bloodhound. The result was a dog with a keen sense of smell, a love for water, and an eagerness to please their owners.

Shih Tzu Origins

The Shih Tzu is an ancient breed that originated in China over 1,000 years ago. They were bred as companion dogs for Chinese royalty and were highly valued for their small size and affectionate nature. The breed was kept a secret from the rest of the world until the 1930s when they were brought to England.

Development of the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix

The exact origin of the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is unknown, but it’s likely that they were first bred sometime in the last few decades. As with most hybrid breeds, the goal was likely to combine desirable traits from both parent breeds into one dog. As interest in designer breeds has grown over time, so has interest in this adorable mix.

Overall, while there isn’t much information available on the history of this specific breed, understanding the origins of its parent breeds provides some insight into where it came from and what traits it may exhibit.

Read more: Golden Retriever Blue Heeler Mix

Physical Characteristics

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is a small to medium-sized dog that can vary in appearance depending on which parent breed they take after more. Here are some of the physical characteristics you can expect from this mixed breed:

Size and Weight

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix typically weighs between 10-45 pounds and stands anywhere from 10-24 inches tall at the shoulder. Males are generally larger than females.

Coat Color and Texture

The coat of a Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can vary widely in color, depending on which parent breed they take after more. Common colors include gold, cream, brown, black, and white. The coat is typically medium to long in length and may be straight or wavy.

Facial Features

The face of a Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is usually round with a short muzzle. They have large, expressive eyes that are usually dark brown in color. The ears may be floppy like a Golden Retriever’s or stand upright like a Shih Tzu’s.

Overall, the physical characteristics of the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can vary widely depending on their parentage. However, most dogs in this breed will have a cute and cuddly appearance that makes them irresistible to many people.

Read more: Golden Retriever Bulldog Mix

Temperament and Personality

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is a friendly, outgoing, and affectionate breed that loves to be around people. Here are some of the key personality traits you can expect from this mixed breed:

General Disposition

Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mixes are generally happy-go-lucky dogs that love to play and have fun. They’re highly social and thrive on human interaction. They’re also known for being very loyal to their owners.

Energy Levels

The energy level of a Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can vary depending on which parent breed they take after more. However, most dogs in this breed tend to be moderately active and require daily exercise to stay healthy and happy.

Compatibility with Families and Other Pets

Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mixes are great family dogs because they’re so affectionate and loving. They get along well with children of all ages and are also usually good with other pets, including cats.

Overall, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is a friendly and outgoing breed that makes a great companion for families or anyone who wants a loyal, affectionate dog by their side.

Health and Lifespan

While the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is generally a healthy breed, there are some health issues that they may be prone to. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to the health and lifespan of this mixed breed:

Common Health Issues

  • Hip dysplasia: This is a common problem in many dog breeds, including both Golden Retrievers and Shih Tzus. It’s caused by an abnormality in the development of the hip joint, which can lead to arthritis and other mobility problems.
  • Eye problems: Both parent breeds are prone to eye problems such as cataracts, glaucoma, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Regular vet checkups can help catch these issues early on.
  • Allergies: Some Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mixes may be prone to allergies, which can cause skin irritation, itching, and other symptoms.

Lifespan Expectations

The lifespan of a Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix typically ranges from 10-15 years. However, this can vary depending on several factors such as diet, exercise level, and overall health.

Preventative Care Measures

To help keep your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix healthy and happy throughout their life, it’s important to take preventative care measures such as:

  • Feeding them a healthy diet
  • Providing regular exercise
  • Taking them for regular vet checkups
  • Keeping up with vaccinations and parasite prevention medications
  • Brushing their teeth regularly to prevent dental issues

Overall, while there are some health concerns that this mixed breed may be prone to, proper care and preventative measures can help ensure that they live a long and healthy life.

Grooming and Maintenance

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix has a medium to long coat that requires regular grooming and maintenance to keep it healthy and looking its best. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to grooming your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix:

Coat Care and Shedding

The coat of a Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can be either straight or wavy, but regardless of the texture, it will require regular brushing to prevent matting and tangling. A good brushing session once or twice a week should suffice. This mixed breed is a moderate shedder, so you may need to vacuum frequently if you have allergies.

Dental Hygiene

Dental hygiene is important for all dogs, but especially for small breeds like the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix who are prone to dental issues. Brushing their teeth regularly can help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental problems.

Exercise Requirements

While the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is not an overly active breed, they still require daily exercise to stay healthy and happy. Taking them for a walk or playing with them in the backyard for 30-60 minutes each day should suffice.

Overall, while this mixed breed does require some grooming and maintenance, it’s not overly demanding compared to some other breeds. With regular brushing, dental care, and exercise, your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix should remain healthy and happy for many years to come.

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are important for all dog breeds, and the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is no exception. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to training and socializing your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix:

Trainability and Intelligence

Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mixes are generally intelligent dogs that are eager to please their owners. This makes them relatively easy to train, especially if you use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and playtime.

Socialization Techniques

Socializing your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is important to help them feel comfortable around other people and dogs. Start socializing them early on by taking them to puppy classes or setting up playdates with other dogs. Exposing them to different sights, sounds, smells, and environments can also help prevent anxiety in the future.

Addressing Common Behavior Issues

Like any breed, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix may exhibit some behavior issues such as barking or chewing. These issues can usually be addressed through consistent training and positive reinforcement techniques. It’s important to address these issues early on before they become ingrained habits.

Overall, while the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is generally an easy breed to train and socialize, it still requires consistent effort from its owner. With proper training techniques and socialization efforts, your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix should grow up into a well-behaved and well-adjusted companion.

Suitable Living Environments

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is a relatively adaptable breed that can live in a variety of different environments. Here are some things to consider when it comes to finding the right living environment for your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix:

Space Requirements

While the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is not a large breed, they still require adequate space to move around and play. A house with a fenced-in yard is ideal, but they can also do well in an apartment as long as they receive enough exercise.

Adapting to Different Climates

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can adapt to a variety of different climates, but they may be more comfortable in moderate temperatures. They may struggle in extreme heat or cold, so it’s important to keep them indoors during extreme weather conditions.

Compatibility with Other Pets

The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is generally friendly with other dogs and pets if socialized properly from an early age. However, it’s important to supervise interactions between your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix and other pets until you’re confident that they get along well.

Overall, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can adapt well to various living environments as long as their basic needs are met such as space requirements and exercise. Whether you live in an apartment or a house with a yard, your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can thrive in the right environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions that people have about the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix:

Are they hypoallergenic?

No, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is not considered a hypoallergenic breed. They do shed moderately and produce dander, which can trigger allergies in some people.

How much do they cost?

The cost of a Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix varies depending on factors such as location, breeder, and pedigree. On average, you can expect to pay between $1,500 and $4,000 for a puppy.

Are they good with children?

Yes, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is generally good with children if socialized properly from an early age. They are friendly and gentle dogs that enjoy being around people.

Overall, while the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix may not be hypoallergenic and can vary in price depending on where you get them from, they are generally good with children and make great family pets.


The Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix is a unique and lovable breed that combines the best characteristics of both the Golden Retriever and the Shih Tzu. While they may not be hypoallergenic and require some grooming, they are generally easy to train and socialize, making them great family pets.

Whether you live in an apartment or a house with a yard, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can adapt well to various living environments as long as their basic needs are met. They are generally good with children and other pets if socialized properly from an early age.

Overall, if you’re looking for a friendly, loyal companion that’s easy to train and care for, the Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix may be the perfect breed for you. With proper training, socialization, and care, your Golden Retriever Shih Tzu Mix can grow up into a happy and healthy dog that brings joy to your life every day.

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roger stanley site owner and primary author
Meet The Author Roger Stanley

Co-owner of 15 years of experience living life with Golden Retrievers and 15 years of experience spending way too much money on them – I believe life’s not worth living without a Golden involved!

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