Why Do Golden Retrievers Smile?

Quick Answer

Golden Retrievers usually smile as a relaxed expression to indicate affection, happiness, or submission. It’s not 100% clear why they smile, but experts believe it’s due to a combination of genetic predisposition, learned behavior, and emotional expression.

why do golden retrievers smile? a  female golden retriever smiling on a tennis court
Luna giving us her best golden retriever smile

One of the unique features of Golden Retrievers is their ability to “smile,” which is often interpreted as a sign of happiness or contentment. Understanding behavior like this can help pet owners better care for their furry friends.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the specifics of a Golden Retriever’s smile and explore the reasons behind this adorable behavior!

What is a Golden Retriever’s Smile?

A Golden Retriever’s smile is a unique facial expression that is often misinterpreted by humans. When a Golden Retriever “smiles,” they slightly raise their upper lips and expose their front teeth. This creates an appearance that resembles a human smile.

Differences between a Smile and Other Facial Expressions

It’s important to note that a Golden Retriever’s smile is different from other facial expressions, such as a snarl or a growl. A smile is a relaxed expression that indicates contentment, while a snarl or a growl is an aggressive expression that indicates discomfort or fear.

Purpose of the Smile

The purpose of a Golden Retriever’s smile is not entirely clear. However, many experts believe that it is a sign of affection and happiness. When a Golden Retriever is happy and content, they may show their happiness by smiling. Some experts also believe that a Golden Retriever’s smile is a sign of submission or deference to their owner or other humans.

Why do Golden Retrievers Smile?

There are several reasons why Golden Retrievers smile. Some of these reasons are related to genetics, while others are related to learned behavior and emotional expression.

Genetic Predisposition

Golden Retrievers are known for their friendly nature and social personality. They are bred to be loyal and affectionate to their owners, which may be a factor in their tendency to smile. Some experts also believe that certain facial muscles in Golden Retrievers are more developed than in other breeds, making it easier for them to smile.

Learned Behavior

Golden Retrievers are intelligent dogs that are quick to learn new behaviors. They may learn to smile as a way to communicate with their owners or to express happiness. If a Golden Retriever receives positive reinforcement, such as treats or praise, when they smile, they may be more likely to repeat the behavior in the future.

Emotional Expression

Just like humans, dogs have emotions and may express them through their body language and facial expressions. A Golden Retriever’s smile may be a way for them to express their happiness and contentment. Some experts believe that a Golden Retriever’s smile is a sign of submission or deference to their owner or other humans.

When do Golden Retrievers Smile?

Golden Retrievers may smile in a variety of situations. While the exact triggers for their smiles may vary from dog to dog, there are some common situations in which Golden Retrievers tend to smile.

Interaction with Humans

Golden Retrievers love human interaction. They are social dogs that thrive on attention and affection from their owners. When a Golden Retriever is happy and content, like when they are playing with their owner or receiving attention, they may smile as a sign of affection.


When a Golden Retriever is engaged in playtime, they may smile as a sign of happiness and excitement. For example, if a Golden Retriever is playing fetch with a ball or chasing after a toy, they often seem to smile as they run and play.

Comfort and Relaxation

Just like humans, dogs may smile when they are comfortable and relaxed. When a Golden Retriever is lounging on the couch or resting in their favorite spot, they may smile as a sign of contentment. Similarly, many Golden Retriever’s seem to smile as a sign of pleasure while they’re being pet.

It’s important to note that not all Golden Retrievers smile in the same situations. Some Golden Retrievers may smile more frequently than others, while some may never smile at all. A Golden Retriever’s smile should not be relied on as the sole indicator of their happiness or well-being. A variety of other behaviors and cues should be considered when assessing a Golden Retriever’s mood and health.


A Golden Retriever’s ability to smile is one of many unique and endearing qualities of the breed. In this post, we’ve explored the reasons behind a Golden Retriever’s smile and when they tend to smile. Here are some key takeaways:

  • A Golden Retriever’s smile is a relaxed expression that may indicate affection, happiness, or submission.
  • The smile may be a combination of genetic predisposition, learned behavior, and emotional expression.
  • Golden Retrievers tend to smile during interactions with humans, playtime, and when they are comfortable and relaxed.
  • A Golden Retriever’s smile should not be used as the sole indicator of their well-being or happiness.

By understanding a Golden Retriever’s smile and other behaviors, pet owners can better care for their furry friends. You should always pay attention to your Golden Retriever’s body language and facial expressions to get a better understanding of their mood and needs. Give them plenty of love, attention, and playtime, and you’ll have a happy and content furry friend for years to come.

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Meet The Author Roger Stanley

Co-owner of goldenretrievergoods.com. 15 years of experience living life with Golden Retrievers and 15 years of experience spending way too much money on them – I believe life’s not worth living without a Golden involved!

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