Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles (Deer Park, Washington)
Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles Customer Reviews Summary
We’ve analyzed all available reviews for this breeder and summarized our findings below for your convenience!
Customers have had an excellent experience with Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles and specifically with John as a breeder. John is responsive, answering emails quickly and responsibly.
He goes above and beyond by providing weekly videos that show the growth and development of the puppies, which brings a lot of happiness to the customers. The puppies raised by John are well-trained, with some already being potty trained and crate trained when they arrive at their new homes.
Customers appreciate the effort and care that is put into raising the puppies. The puppies from this breeder are described as perfect, easy to train, and smart.
They are calm, friendly, and well-behaved, with no health issues. One customer's puppy has already learned 10 commands and is eager to learn more.
Overall, customers are extremely satisfied with their choice to go with Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles as a breeder.
Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles Reviews
We’ve compiled a list of the most helpful reviews for this breeder below. We’ve included both positive and negative (if applicable) reviews to give you a better idea of the type of breeder you’re considering.
Chuhan Pan
I highly recommend Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles John as a pet breeder. He answers every of my email quickly and responsibly, and he provides weekly videos for the litter, every week was a huge happiness to watch the videos to see how the puppies grow and play with each other.
I had a boy Coco from Sadie’s litter. He is wonderful, he was almost potty trained and crate trained when he got home, and Coco does not mind me touching him everywhere, I really see that John has put a lot of effort into raising the puppies under his care. Coco now is 2 months and 3 days old, he has been with me 8 days since I got him, he already started to pick up some commands, I am very proud of my little Coco.
Here’s some videos for you to enjoy after reading the review 😉
Nicole Walker
Our puppy Cannoli is absolutely perfect!!! She is cuddly, spunky, and so loving!! She has been so easy to train because she loves to please and is so smart!
Greta Lauckaite
Our puppy is 14 weeks old and he is doing amazing! Huge thank you to Tamarack Ridge Goldendoodles and John. The whole process from start to finish was so easy and exiting. Most importantly, the puppy is so calm and friendly, easy to train, let’s you touch his paws and ears, which shows how much work and love was invested in first 7 weeks of puppy’s life.
Many people have commented already about how calm and behaved Maui is as a puppy. He also has no health issues. And our vet did a DNA test, so he is pure 50/50 Retriever and Poodle. He already knows about 10 commands and is willing to learn more.
We cannot be happier with our choice to go with TRG as a breeder and beyond thrilled with Maui. Recommend!
Maui has his own instagram if anyone is interested in following him growing up: @maui_doodledoo