McDonald Golden Retrievers (McDonald, Pennsylvania)
McDonald Golden Retrievers Customer Reviews Summary
We’ve analyzed all available reviews for this breeder and summarized our findings below for your convenience!
Customers have had positive experiences with this golden retriever breeder, describing the puppies as alert, healthy, and having a great disposition. The breeder is praised for providing loving care to the puppies, and customers highly recommend them to others.
McDonald Golden Retrievers Reviews
We’ve compiled a list of the most helpful reviews for this breeder below. We’ve included both positive and negative (if applicable) reviews to give you a better idea of the type of breeder you’re considering.
Nancy Sala
very happy with our puppy we got from this breeder
Ievgen Pytsyk
We got a puppy from mcdonaldgoldens a year ago and recomend this breeder to all of our friends.
Jim Balzer
We got super nice female puppy last week. She’s alert and healthy with a clean eye and a great disposition. She’s a wonderful addition to our family. Obviously bred and raised with loving care!!